Star City Concrete LLC wants your concrete installation to last for years. We've assembled this page to provide valuable information and help you keep your concrete in excellent condition. Divided into five sections, you'll find essential tips on curing, proper use, long-term care and de-icing, control joints, and stain removal. For more detailed information, or a free estimate on your concrete needs, call Star City today.
Now that your concrete project has been installed, we have some recommendations for you: We need to begin to water cure your concrete. This is for stronger and longer lasting concrete. We need your participation in this by simply applying water to the surface until saturated. Do this three times a day when temperatures are above 70 degrees and five times a day when temperatures are above 85 degrees. (Note: If it is under 70 degrees, this does not need to be done; however, hotter temperatures will require that this be performed). These intervals should be spaced out in even increments if possible.
The purpose of this process is to keep the curing concrete as cool as possible during the first seven days. The first day is most important and the need decreases by the seventh day. Water curing is the most environmentally safe and the best way to cure new concrete. There are many studies that support this. Please also note it is very important that after your sod/grass is replaced it stays moist, as drying out will cause it to die. This should be done for a week or two until it has a chance to bond again.
You can walk on your concrete 24 hours after the concrete is poured, cars and light pickup trucks 7 days after concrete is poured, and heavy equipment and campers 28 days after pour. For patios, you can place patio furniture on the new concrete after 3 days, and a hot tub after 1 week. Note: Trash trucks, Roofing trucks, Mulch trucks & Moving trucks are known to crack otherwise good concrete. This is due to the gross vehicle weight, as standard driveways are not designed to withstand that much weight even once.
Salt and many de-icing materials will harm the concrete finish, especially in its first season. Before de-icing, read all warnings on your product's packaging. Recommend Calcium Flake Ice Melt or to create traction in snow and ice, the best solution is sand. To prevent de-icer damage and also to keep concrete lasting longer in general, we recommend using a penetrating sealer at least 28 days or more after concrete is poured. We do offer this service - please contact us for pricing or questions.
Shrinkage cracks form in control joints. If you notice a crack outside of these joints, they will need time to open up. At that time, the crack can be filled. Cracks form during the curing process as stress relief and are a natural part of concrete installation. If a crack has a different level on one side from heaving or settling, then call our office for an appointment so we may investigate and offer a resolution.
Over time, concrete will get dirty. It is porous and is easily stained by bio material such as mulch, oils, and rust (most organic stains such as leaf imprints, etc., will degrade and disappear). Even when cleaning vehicles, the runoff can cause stains to occur. If you use a pressure washer, use a low-pressure tip, and no more than 3000 psi usually does a good job. We recommend pre-treating with a bleach and Dawn solution rubbed in with a deck brush. Berries, walnuts, leaves and bird droppings are all bio material that turns acidic and harms the surface.
By bleaching, you neutralize the acid as well as whiten the concrete. We recommend this be done in spring to get any of the winter salt washed off as well. Star City Concrete thanks you for choosing us to install your concrete project. We are happy to answer any questions and provide service long after your warranty is up. Keep us in mind the next time a friend or family member mentions needing a concrete project done right.
Serving the Greater Miami Valley, OH area. Star City Concrete LLC specializes in patios and sidewalks. 1-year material and labor warranty. 80% of jobs completed same day. Free estimates available. Call us today.
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